Abfall Bildung Lebensmittel und Ernährung

The Real Junk Food Project Berlin

Das „Real Junk Food Project Berlin“ engagiert sich gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung. Überschüssige Lebensmittel werden in gesunde und schmackhafte Gerichte verarbeitet und der Gemeinschaft und sozialen Projekten zur Verfügung gestellt.

Ausführliche Englische Beschreibung:

The Real Junk Food Project Berlin is a collaborative effort to bring about a radical change in our food system. Founded by Tobias Goecke in June 2015, as part of the branch initialed in UK.

Our vision is to raise awareness of the huge amount of food that is wasted because food has to look beautiful to be consumable in the modern world we live in. We want to change this perception.

Our strategy is to make meals that look as beautiful and mouth-watering as those in the fine dinning restaurants, to shine the true beauty of food–regardless of their appearance or age. We understand a perfect meal does not only provide balanced nutrition, taste good, but also is visually pleasing.

Our action plan consist of three parts:
Initially, started small by providing catering services to socially responsible enterprise , events and seminars.

Once we grow, we will run a café, which serves food utilizing mainly rescue food and education material that brings awareness to people how we can contribute to reduce of waste of food and carbon footprint. The restaurant is operating a strictly ay-as-you-feel (PAYF) policy. Our system transcends monetary transactions and liberates people to use their skills and attributes as well as money to pay for their meals. Furthermore, we aim to highlight the absurdity that the produce we use has been stripped of its monetary value but still retains its nutritional value. By making people think about what they wish to contribute for their meals, the idea is to get society thinking about how they value food as a resource.

We will also run our cafe as a distribution center. Everyone can come to our cafe to get packaged food with recipes for free. We do encourage people to make donation to make this project financially sustainable.

[Text von der Webseite und der Facebookseite übernommen]

Urheber: The Real Junk Food Project Berlin

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