Das CRCLR House ist ein Berliner Zentrum der circular economy Praxis. Es wurde 2016 als Berlins erstes circular economy hub gegründet. Gleichgesinnte Personen und Institutionen sind eingeladen sich zu treffen und Ideen auszutauschen und in circular economy Projekten zu kooperieren.

Das CRCLR House präsentiert sich auf seiner englischsprachigen Webseite wie folgt:

We believe that a different way of living and working together is both necessary and possible.
We also believe that circular economy principles are central to designing such a system. At its essence, a circular economy represents a new way of looking at the relationships between markets, customers and natural resources, and thus eliminating the very concept of ‘waste’ and recognizing everything has a value.
This is why we have opened Berlin’s first Circular Economy House as a catalyst for this change.

“ Berlin’s ground zero for all things circular. ” Exberliner, 2016
At the CRCLR House we run a year round program open to all age groups and people from different professional backgrounds where you can learn about circular practices as applied to various fields. Our program equips change makers with the knowhow needed to develop circular solutions.
Some of these change makers have already established their headquarters in the CRCLR House’s co-working space, in the artist ateliers and labs.

Urheber: CRCLR GmbH

Rollbergstr. 26 12053 Berlin
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